SWG Reverse Enginering Calculator

SWG RE Calculator Releases History

Date Release Changes Thanks to
? 4.04 - Added a Project, bug and issues management system. This will allow devs to show their work evolution and status
- New template for pop ups: The template has been customized to be closer to the ingame templating.
- New Captcha control system for avoiding spam in some forms.
- Added avatar management into users profiles and other forms
2013/01/15 4.03 - Added Rich Text Editor Capabilities to the Members ship descriptions
- Added Private Message system for registered members
-Members can now add, modify and delete their Ships Basic Info
- Visitors can browse the members basic ship info

-Ship parts, loot and Reproject tables migrated
2013/01/02 4.02 - Capacitors and Armor loot forms added for testing purposes
- Average, Max and sigma formulas added to the loot system
- New modal windows system added: Users can nos handle several RE calculation projects at a time
- Added  Automatic details selection from level to RE calculations: Users no longer need to submit the level for REing in orde to show the atributes good stats
- Added  Basic membership registration capabilities: Users can now register and modify their profile
2012/12/27 4.01 - Added the Admin area for managing the Schematics definitions
- Added the Ship Parts Schematics vs resources Browser
- New custom subdomain assigned to the calculator.http://recal.swgesp.com
- Added: New custom error pages to avoid visitors to navigate ouside the calculato for error 404, 401 and 500
- Added first Stats page related to the number of calculations made by the visitors
- Interface  Added new shoutbox system for retrieving users comments. The next releases will merge the shoutbox with the new loot additions, reporting the addition of new loot
2012/12/21 4.0  Data Base upgrade  
2009/5/19 3.01 - New Support Request System added Ibenn -NHI- FarStar
2009/5/19 3.0 - User Interface upgraded

- Added Data Base for boost calculations

- Data Base has been prepared for linking with other incoming new tools

- Base good loot stats ready for further online upgrades.

- 85% to 100% Stat calculation added for most of the components

. New Navigator dropdown menu linking with other SWGTT tools

- Config file optimization

2009/5/12 2.0.3 - Level 5 "good stats" mistaken values corrected Nubman in SOE forums
2009/5/10 2.0.2 - The RE Level selection is now static once selected  (Suggested by NIR Bria in SOE forums
2009/5/8 2.0.1 - APQ calculation error corrections.

- added the number of calculations done by the users.

Ibenn -NHi- Farstar- Tester
2009/5/6 2.0 Base Line