swgtools.com Expertise Calculator
Step by Step guide:
  1. Select your profession.

  2. Switch on "add Points" below.

  3. Move your mouse over the skillpics to see the detaied description in the right panel.

  4. Double-click on the skillpics to increase the points for this skill.

  5. You can only increase your points if the border of the skill is highligted on GREEN.

  6. Red font is an indicator to show you a missing condition wich avoid to increase your expertise points.

  7. For removing Points from a skill switch to "remove Points" and doubleclick on the skill.

  8. Use "Clear All" button to clear all points from all skills.

  9. Use "Save" button to save your actual template. Your are able to share this saved url with your friends.

  10. Remember that you can "respect" your expertise by contacting your Expertise Counselor at Mos Eisley, Theed and Coronet.
